The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2025 is here! Can you believe this is the fifth year already?! For the oldtimers, welcome back! For the newcomers, I hope you’ll have a lot of fun this year trying to fill out these music-based reading prompts as I had a lot of fun (and pain, so much pain) coming up with them.
Music Diggin’ Friday: 20+1 Songs for Road Trips
In the renewed Music Diggin’ Friday I’m going to write about all kinds of music related stuff. Lists, new releases, concerts, and whatever shit that comes to mind.
Monthly Wrap Up: October 2018
Wait. What happens with time? Someone speed it up! It can’t be November already! Where is my October??? Give me a moment while I panic, will you?
Okay, I’m better now. I’m a bit behind on posts because I had become sick after returning from the UK, so a review and my post about said UK trip will be up later this week, thus they will count as November posts. So, let’s see what I had in store for you in October:
Music Monday: G.O.A.T by Theory of a Deadman
I choose G.O.A.T by Theory of a Deadman because I wanted something to reflect my mood (well, okay, I always choose songs like that, duh.) It’s an upbeat song, kind of a preptalk to myself that I can do this, I can get through this weekend and it’ll be awesome.
Monthly Wrap Up: July 2018
July proved to be another busy month and I had a lot of #reviews and #interviews from Dyrk Ashton, David Hambling, Damien Black, Benedict Patrick, D.M. Murray and music for you. Find everything you missed in my #MonthlyWrapUp post!
Music Monday: PCH by Theory of a Deadman
But why I choose PCH is because it reminds me of California, of the nights when I stay awake just because I can, the nights I spent chatting with important people in my life. Taking a walk in the night watching the lights of the city. I always loved being awake at night, and wished I lived by water so I could just sit on a balcony watching the water and the stars, listening to music, writing, reading by a faint light, having a nice chat. Makes me wish to go on a vacation right now. Who’s with me?