Epic Sale of Beloved SFF Books 2021 banner

Epic Sale of Beloved SFF Books 2021

The epic sale of beloved SFF books is back in 2021! What is this, you ask? Well, I’m glad you asked. Between August 20th and 26th, you can get 53 indie SFF titles for a mere $0.99! Right in time for September, when Self-Published Fantasy Month kicks off so you can read all the books you hoard now. That sounds like a good deal to me.

Monthly Wrap Up June

Monthly Wrap Up: June 2020

Hoo boy, June was A MONTH. And we are only halfway through 2020. It started with me working my ass off to get the blog ready for the moving. That is, we moved RockStarlit BookAsylum from Wordpress.com to a self-hosted Wordpress site and if I can say so, it looks fucking great. Which is only fair, as I worked more on this than I care to admit. On the day before the final move I basically sat before my screen for 12 hours straight to make sure everything is as it should be. And that was only the last day. But thankfully everything went well and to celebrate we announced our newest staff member, Arina! I’m excited she joined us and I hope the blog will be only better for it 🙂

Sneak Peek June

What’s to come? – June 2020

It’s hard to believe it’s already June, but on the other hand, it’s hard to believe it’s only June. 2020 sure is a year. If I had to describe my plans for this month: same old, same old. Work, blog, organise, read, repeat. To have some fun, I’ll try to put a bit more effort into my Instagram account. I have a couple of ideas how to show off my current reads and yes, all of them are going to involve at least one of my plush pandas. That’s my brand, deal with it. 😛
As usual, I have all kinds of things planned for this month as well, though not all of them fantasy related. But I’ll try my best. Who knows? I might even do some fun posts using their Wyrd & Wonder challenge prompts! Alright, let’s see what I have in mind.

Monthly Wrap Up April

Monthly Wrap Up: April 2020

Is it just me, or April really went by fast? It definitely seemed shorter than March. Weird. I definitely had more good days this month, so that’s a plus. I also worked on some secret stuff, which was fun. In an “OMG, what the hell am I doing?” way, lol. I also discovered The Unbelievable Truth series on Audible, and since I’m starting my days with audiobooks, I figured listening to something that makes me laugh would actually do some good for me. I’m only 2 days in, but so far it seems to be working. *shrug*

The Narrows by Travis M. Riddle

The Narrows by Travis M. Riddle

This isn’t the coming age story that you see so often in fantasy; this is what comes after that. It’s all the stuff that hits you when you realize you’ve grown-up and moved on from some of the people who used to know you the best, and they from you. It’s also a story about coming to terms with the regrets of those lost friendships and the grief and that anger that comes from death and loss. Basically, it’s about moving on and what gets left behind in the process.

Sneak Peek April

What’s to come? – April 2020

I think we’ll lean heavily on the reviewing side of things in April. That being said, I’m more sober regarding April, mostly because all of my plans got chucked into the bin.

Pride Month

Pride Month: RainBook Recs – Part 2

We thought it would be fun to do a little something in recognition of Pride Month here at Rockstarlit BookAsylum. So, I went through and picked books that I had enjoyed that had some LGBTQ content, and matched the pride flag to the dominate color of the covers, with varying degrees of luck.

Advent Book Calendar

Advent Book Calendar – Day 5

This year I’m going to host an Advent Book Calendar event, where Jen and me are going to pick one book every day until December 24th. Books we’ve read this year, and tell you why you should pick it up. You can check our progress in the Advent Book Calendar 2018 introduction post, where you can “open” the windows every day and find out what we have for your reading pleasure!