We Are The Dead by Mike Shackle

We Are The Dead by Mike Shackle

Jen and I both reviewed this exquisite debut from Mike Shackle and loved it.

Jen: We Are the Dead is worthy of your attention. From start to finish this will keep you on the edge of your seat. This is an outstanding debut, you don’t want to miss it.

Timy: Mike Shackle is a fresh voice in fantasy, one we probably needed like a breeze on a hot summer day.

King of Ash and Bone by Melissa Wright

SPFBO: King of Ash and Bone by Melissa Wright

We’ve read and reviewed this book for SPFBO5. Please keep in mind these are personal thoughts only. We will update this post as the judges read along and add their opinions. This book has already been eliminated from the competition, but one of us liked it enough to write a full review.


SPFBO: Third Round of DNFs by Jen!

Here we are again, back for my third round of DNFs! I fell behind a bit last month and am now playing catch-up but this puts me around 3/4 of the way through my 30, not counting a couple that I have been on the fence about continuing.
Some of these cuts made for hard choices because they were solid books but just were missing that little something to keep me going. Again, thank you to the authors for participating, this can’t have been easy.


SPFBO: The Second Round of DNFs by Jen and Timy

For a change, Jen and me doing a post together, as some of the books below are already cut, and as I’m being slow with reading and don’t have enough material for a post on my own, I decided to chime in. 

Shields in Shadow by Andy Peloquin

Shields in Shadow by Andy Peloquin

Shields in Shadow was an exciting popcorn read – thriller-type pacing, good gory battles, and some fun characters to root for. All in all it looks to be a great start to a series that is worth keeping an eye on.


SPFBO: The First Round of DNFs by Jen (Bunnyreads)

The pokey person in the group is finally getting around to her first round of mini-reviews for my DNF’s! Please note, that this is only my opinion and my ratings, and these books still can end up as semi-finalists if one of my fellow judges deem them worthy. Once we have a couple of books all of us thinks won’t make it, Timy will write up announcement posts.