Wavebreaker by A. J. Norfield

Wavebreaker by A. J. Norfield

The sequel to #SPFBO participant Windcatcher by @AJNorfield, a compelling epic fantasy with delightful dark elements is out now! Go and grab it, you’ll be grateful later 😉 (I accept gifts btw)
#bookreview #darkfantasy #epicfantasy

Devil's Night Dawning by Damien Black

Devil’s Night Dawning by Damien Black

My second review of the three dedicated ones. My first plunge in the unknown, the first book I volunteered to read in exchange of a review. Never thought it would turn out as a huge impact on my life 🙂

Darkshine by R. D. Vallier

Darkshine by R. D. Vallier

The book that had started everything: it witnessed the start of a friendship, it was my first ARC and it’s sequel was my first and only (so far) beta read. Obviously it means a lot to me and I’m glad it’s my first review up in this blog 🙂 Hope you will like it as well!

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