Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: September 2019

Summer is finally over and we are about to have a temperature drop and I’m sooooo ready for not boiling finally.

August went away in a blink of an eye and I’m both sad and happy about it. I had some great times, but I also got damned behind on EVERYTHING. September will be about trying to catch up to myself.

Shields in Shadow by Andy Peloquin

Shields in Shadow by Andy Peloquin

Shields in Shadow was an exciting popcorn read – thriller-type pacing, good gory battles, and some fun characters to root for. All in all it looks to be a great start to a series that is worth keeping an eye on.

Sneak Peek

What’s to come? – September 2019

With September arriving the temperature dropped from 33 to 18 in a day – which I’m not complaining about, because fuck heat. Probably my brain will now will be able to process reading and stuff – once I finally get some normal rest, that is. As I’ve been lacking with a lot of things in August, September will be all about catching up and trying to squeeze in everything. I don’t have much to look forward to this month, so no distraction.

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: August 2018

With August gone, summer is practically over. September kicked the doors in with a lot of rain over here anyway. August was all kinds of awesome as blogging goes. My stats hit a new high with over 1.100 views. I’ve got to knew a lot of new people and overall I keep going strong. Hopefully it stays that way. August also brought a brand new design, a new logo and feature images. I also launched a facebook group besides my page where I hope I can interact with you guys more!