Challenge Check-In 2024 Q3

Challenge Check-In 2024 Q3

Last year I failed spectacularly at monthly updates, though I lasted for half a year so that’s not bad. So I decided to try doing it quarterly, and since we are already 3 quarters through of the year (boggles the mind, doesn’t it?), it’s time for the Challenge Check-In 2024 Q3!

And if you missed it, you can check out my Q1 check-in HERE, and the Q2 check-in HERE!

The Good, The Bad, and Everything in Between

These past 3 months sure was busy as hell both with reading and life. And I keenly feel the need of taking a break as the end of the year is nearing.

So, between July 1st and September 30th, I opened 16 books, not including 2 of my SPFBO semi-finalist choices that I went back to read fully. I DNFd 3 out of 16, and 4 were rereads from previous years. A bit slower reading-wise, but I was off having fun in Glasgow for a week in August, then worked kicked my ass throughout the second half of August and September, so I had less energy to cram in extra books between SPFBO stuff.

Out of the 16 books, 0 were on the list I set up as my shortened TBR in my Reading Goals for 2024 post *mumbles something about SPFBO and ARCs*. I…uh…didn’t do well with that, but hopefully I’ll get crossed out a few more before 2024 ends.

The books I loved the most in 2024 Q3

Out of the 16 books, I gave 5👑 to 5 (3 rereads). I also had 3 4.5👑 reads (all new reads!). Once again, going to point the finger at SPFBO, as I read more books that I was obliged to as opposed to books I picked out of fancy, so inadvertently, that dropped the number of high ratings. And as you might see, the trend continues, I’m having a blast with mystery (adjacent) novels, not so much with fantasy… which I think is a clear sign that I need a break from the genre. Anyway, I would highly recommend them all, but I’m only going to highlight 5 that I think have a good chance of making my final top 10 of 2024! The books are listed in the order I’ve read them.

Card Mage: Tournament Topdecker by Benedict Patrick

Tournament Topdecker by Benedict Patrick. Okay, so, I’m absolutely biased, because I’m one of Benedict’s beta readers (and that’s why I won’t review this book, even though it’s out now, so go grab it!). I’m not particularly into LitRPG, or card games, but somehow he made me fall in love with a series that combines both and I’m like…HOW?! I’m not complaining though. I’ll just quietly pester him about giving me book 3 already.

Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez

Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez. When it comes to audiobooks, I like to switch things up genre-wise, including some romance here and there. But I’m super picky when it comes to that genre, so I try to stick with a couple of trusted authors, such as Abby Jimenez. Not going to say Just for the Summer is my favorite of hers, but I was looking for a quick and fun summer read and this was it (even if it had some serious themes, as her books usually have).

The Reanimator's Heart by Kara Jorgensen

The Reanimator’s Heart by Kara Jorgensen. This book came entirely from the left field. I picked it up on a whim during a sale, and then I learned about a book tour featuring it and it seemed like a good excuse to bump it up on my TBR. Little did I know, that this cosy murder mystery will cement 2024 as the year of great M/M romance novels for me. I seriously didn’t see any of this coming. The good news is, book 3 is coming out at the end of October. They are quick reads so plenty of time to catch up.

The Reanimator's Soul by Kara Jorgensen

The Reanimator’s Soul by Kara Jorgensen. Yep, I loved book one so much that I jumped on book 2 as soon as I could. I have no regrets. I actually read it twice – once on audiobook during my Glasgow stay which was a stupid idea – then a second time later in August so I could actually write a review this time. Did I say book 3 is coming soon? I. Can’t. Wait.

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson. When I learned about the coming Netflix series, I was intrigued, but I wanted to read the book first, so I’ve got the audiobook during a sale and gave it a go. 2024 is clearly a year of good mystery (and M/M romance) as I very much enjoyed this book, even if some of it was pretty predictable and had quite a few tropes. Couldn’t say it brought anything new to the genre, but it was still enjoyable. As a bonus, I think Netflix made a decent job with the adaptation.

Womble's TBR Reduction

I did well with Womble’s reading challenge, in Q2, and I managed to improve on that! In 2024 Q3, out of the 3 prompts, I finished 3, although with a bit of cheating, because strictly speaking, not all of the books were on my TBR at the start of the year, soooo… but I won’t tell if you don’t. As usual, I have to work with what I read and fit it into the prompts.

July – The Ides Have ItThe Faithful Dark by Cate Baumer. The prompt was to read a book with scheming/intrigue, and my runner-up to semi-finalist has that plenty. Admittedly, it’s not been long on my TBR, but I’m sure that’s fine. This book was a bit of a mixed bag for me personally, but a lot of people seem to love it, so the problem could be me. Especially as the Hungarian names and terms totally threw me in the beginning. For the stretch goal, which was a summer themed read, I went for Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez. Also haven’t been long on my TBR (mostly because it was released this year and I didn’t even know about it until Audible showed it to me), but since I got it on a sale and I was in the mood for some summery love story anyway, well 🤷🏻‍♀️

August – Travel Broadens the MindThe Bitter Twins by Jen Williams. This was the easiest prompt ever, as we had to pick a book whose author lives in a different country than us. Which is, like all of the books I’m reading. Living in Hungary does have some perks, hah! I went for The Bitter Twins because this was my least cheaty option. Because it’s not cheating at all. I had the ebook omnibus for a good while now and I also own a set of paperbacks since last October (thanks to a friend who gave them to me), so even the mighty Womble couldn’t find a fault here. And better yet, I literally finished this book at WorldCon. I’m glad my friends kept pestering me about this trilogy as I’m liking it for sure, and will pick up the third book soon enough. For the stretch goal, holiday read, I picked The Reanimator’s Soul by Kara Jorgensen, which again, has been on my TBR only since July, when I read and fell in love with the first book in The Reanimator Mysteries series. I first listened the audiobook during my holiday in Glasgow (which was not a smart idea) so I had to relisten later in the month. BUT IT STILL COUNTS.

September – Back To SchoolA Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson. I admit this could be a bit of a stretch, but try to stop me. When I first heard about the upcoming Netflix series based on this novel, I got curious, and decided to read the book first before I ever watch it. Had to wait a couple of months to do that, but since I got the audiobook in a sale, September seemed like a good month to pick it up. Strictly speaking, the MC is a highschool girl, learning about the murder of Andie Bell and the suicide of her boyfriend, Sal Singh that happened 5 years prior. And that kinda fits the prompt about a character learning about something. She sure does learn a lot.

Year in Aeldia

This is the first year I’m taking part in the Choose Your Own Adventure: Year in Aeldia 2024 Reading Challenge which is its second year. So far I’m doing really good. I’m also taking part in the Magical Readathon that takes place in April and August. But we’ll get back to those in due time. 2024 Q2 had the following choices:

Choose Your Own Adventure: A Year in Aeldia 2024 Q3 progress

July – Befriend and tame a messenger crow (Friend’s favourite): The Magpie Lord by KJ Charles. I decided to go with this book because 1) I heard a lot about these books over the years from friends, but was never interested in it much, until this year, when I got into M/M romance books and 2) I also got it on sale from Audible. I’m not sure I can say it’s a friend’s favourite, per se, but boy did I see it a lot on my feed at one point in time.

August – Back to Orilium (Readathon month): I was a brave lady this year and finally faced the Magical Readathon back in April. While fun, it became clear that I can’t possibly force myself to complete everything that needs to be completed, simply because I either don’t read as many books, or because other obligations makes it super hard. I accepted defeat and didn’t even try it in August.

September – Follow a giddy friend through a shiny rift portal (Cozy/comfort book): Revelation by C.J. Sansom. It wasn’t planned, exactly, but I decided that I’ll reread the whole Shardlake series through audiobooks. Some of the books in the series I tend to pick up in every so often, especially when I want to listen to something but I can’t cope with anything new so I reach for something familiar. Now that I have the full set, I decided to go all the way. It started with the release of the first season of the Shardlake series on Disney back in May, just a few days after Sansom’s death. Seemed like a good way to pay respects, listening to Dissolution, and then it just came naturally. While Revelation isn’t my favorite in the series, and it’s not usually one I reread, it still counts as a comfort book for me.

The Sound of Madness

In 2024 Q3, I decided to add another 5 books to The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge card. Here they are:

  • The Bitter Twins by Jen Williams for ADDICTED
  • Arthur by Giles Kristian for QUEEN OF KINGS
  • Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston for WHITE FLAG
  • Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy for ALWAYS HALLOWEEN
  • Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez for SUMMER JAM

Here is what my card looks like right now:

The Sound of Madness Progress Card for 2024 Q3

And that concludes my Challenge Check-In for 2024 Q3. On the whole, I’m doing well with my different challenges, so for now, I’m still happy with my progress. Let’s hope I can keep it up for Q4 as well! I’d love to hear about how you are doing with your challenges so far, so feel free to comment below!

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