Music Monday is a meme that was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek. Bjørn and I will pick a song alternatively on each Monday and share our thoughts about them. Bjørn’s pick this week is Beauty is Truth by xPropaganda.

A lot of people know ‘Duel’ – a 1985 single by Propaganda, which has somehow become a hit in the collective consciousness despite having only reached #21 in the UK and #30 in Germany. Two years later, the band split. Neither of the offshoots achieved much, chart-wise or art-wise. In 1998, they attempted a reunion which resulted in nothing. And in 2022, the female half of the original group – Claudia Brücken and Susanne Freytag – released an absolutely exquisite album under the name xPropaganda.
This irked the men, Ralf Dörper and Michael Mertens, because men gonna men. In an interview, they huffed about how Propaganda was always supposed to only being Dörper and Mertens with changing singers, that they were completely blindsided by the xPropaganda release, and their new album called Propaganda (to avoid confusion) was greatly superior. One of those records reached #11 in the UK. One failed to trouble the top 100. Can you guess which was which?‘Beauty Is Truth’ fits the electroclash scene of 20+ years ago (brb, decomposing) perfectly. It also fits my idea of who Propaganda would be today if they continued making music. And it’s insanely beautiful. Brücken and Freytag are the sort of artists – old – who only get coverage in Classic Pop or Retro Pop Magazine. Hopefully at least one of the Queen’s readers clicks play above and discovers a gem.

Beauty is truth (lies, lies, lies)
Beauty is truth (lies, lies, lies)
Truth is beauty (in your eyes, eyes, eyes)
Poetry or motion? (Verse or rhyme?)
Power or devotion? (Desire or design?)
Smoke or mirrors? (Growth, decline)
Promise and miracle (gold and shine)
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This was a fun listen. Thanks for sharing this song, I’ve never heard of this band before.
Honestly? 99.9% of the songs Bjorn picks I never heard of before, so you are definitely not alone there.
Ahaha good to know but that is also the beauty of Music Monday!