Damien Black, author of the Broken Stone Chronicle series, SPFBO finalist who ended up snatching the third place thanks to the tie on the second place. Ex-journalist, ex-musician (although you can never stop being a musician deep, deep down). I’ve pretty much publicised already in my Devil’s Night Dawning review how I got to meet him and how he played a big part of my being here today, so I won’t repeat myself. Let’s just say he is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and he made me into a sorceress, lol 🙂 He is currently being busy writing book 3 of his epic fantasy series, but took the time to answer some questions!
Author Spotlight: Soundtracks by A.M. Justice – Guest Post
Amanda, like a hawk sensing its prey, swept in and took the opportunity. Which made me pretty happy, because, well, you know, I’m a music addict, so finally someone combined my two love: books and music! Amanda gives us a glimpse how she uses music during her story. This article is rather interesting, so hopefully you’ll like it as much as I do!
Author Spotlight: Waiting for the Sun to Go Down by Jesse Teller – Guest Post
Today I’m hosting Jesse Teller on my blog, with a short story about music and life.
Author Interview with Benedict Patrick
My promised second interview, which was supposed to be the first. @benedictpaddy stopped by and we’ve talked about the Yarnsworld books, writing, @CritFacedDnD and #SPFBO of course.
Author Interview with Ulff Lehmann
In my May Sneak Peek I promised two interviews. One of the gentlemen who agreed to be interrogated by me was none other than @UlffLehmann, author of Shattered Dreams. It was a fun experience 🙂