
Author Interview with Damien Black

Damien Black, author of the Broken Stone Chronicle series, SPFBO finalist who ended up snatching the third place thanks to the tie on the second place. Ex-journalist, ex-musician (although you can never stop being a musician deep, deep down). I’ve pretty much publicised already in my Devil’s Night Dawning review how I got to meet him and how he played a big part of my being here today, so I won’t repeat myself. Let’s just say he is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and he made me into a sorceress, lol 🙂 He is currently being busy writing book 3 of his epic fantasy series, but took the time to answer some questions! 

Author Spotlight

Author Spotlight: Soundtracks by A.M. Justice – Guest Post

Amanda, like a hawk sensing its prey, swept in and took the opportunity. Which made me pretty happy, because, well, you know, I’m a music addict, so finally someone combined my two love: books and music! Amanda gives us a glimpse how she uses music during her story. This article is rather interesting, so hopefully you’ll like it as much as I do!


Author Interview with Ulff Lehmann

In my May Sneak Peek I promised two interviews. One of the gentlemen who agreed to be interrogated by me was none other than @UlffLehmann, author of Shattered Dreams. It was a fun experience 🙂