July proved to be another busy month and I had a lot of #reviews and #interviews from Dyrk Ashton, David Hambling, Damien Black, Benedict Patrick, D.M. Murray and music for you. Find everything you missed in my #MonthlyWrapUp post!
Author Interview with David Hambling
David Hambling is a journalist, traveller, and author of several Lovecraftian horror novels. the Harry Stubbs series amongst these. He took some time off his busy schedule to answer some of my questions!
Music Monday: Like I Roll by Black Stone Cherry
I decided to pick Like I Roll, because this is one of my favs and because this one got me out of bed this morning. I even sang along. Thankfully no one heard. This song is about freedom, about doing whatever the hell you want and not letting others to put you down.
Music Diggin’ Friday: July 27th
Friday Kick Off featuring: Halestorm, Daughtry, Dee Snider, Fozzy, Rise Against
Those Brave, Foolish Souls from the City of Swords by Benedict Patrick
Those Brave, Foolish Souls from the City of Swords is Zorro meets The Three Musketeers. It has adventure, exciting sword fights, clashing morals. The reckless youthfulness meets the wise seasoned fighter and sets sparkles. And of course there is no Benedict Patrick novel without rich mythology and folklore to make the Yarnsworld a place you’d like to visit. Those Brave, Foolish Souls from the City of Swords is a tale about heroes, braveness, selflessness, sorrow, revenge, regrets and chances to begin again.
Author Spotlight: A Matter of Blood by Martin Owton – Short Story
Another week, another great author gets the spotlight. This time Martin Owton treats you fine people to one of his short stories which introduces to us his The Nandor Tales series’ main character, Aron.
Alien Stars by David Hambling
Alien Stars while keeping to the historical fiction genre, ventures deeper into Science Fiction. It also draws more from different mythologies and waves them together nicely. Alien Stars still has that unique atmosphere the other books also had: the prose is flowing, the characters are alive, and London leaps off the pages. If you are looking for a mystery, a historical fiction or even a science fiction novel, you’ll get all three in one. If you haven’t already checked out Harry Stubb’s adventures, I really don’t know what are you waiting for!
Music Monday: Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
Things song came up a lot in recent conversations with a friend. Our music taste is quite different although we ended up finding some bands/songs we both like. Yay! I’m sure we’ll have more in common once I can make him listen to all of my favorites, hah. Nevertheless, this is the first song we both know and love from before, so it’s kind of special 🙂
Music Diggin’ Friday: July 20th
Friday Kick Off! Featuring: Heart Tide, Halestorm, Nothing More, Greta Van Fleet, Linkin Park, Fish!
Red Season Rising by D.M. Murray
Overall, Red Season Rising is a fast-paced, intriguing and promising dark fantasy debut. Maybe it’s not perfect, and maybe not everyone will like it, but it has the potential to be epic. It has a ruthless, cruel villain you’ll love to hate, a main character who fights with addiction while trying to keep his head clear, and side characters whom you might find liking. The red season is rising, and your soul is at stake. You better pray to Dajda to keep you safe until her children come to embrace you.