Monthly Wrap Up July

Monthly Wrap Up: July 2020

July, thankfully was a much calmer/quieter month, although this might be because I pretty much kept to myself. I had some ups and downs in my mood and had a lot of things to think about. And I was also busy with the blog, Storytellers on Tour and SPFBO. I promise I’ll stop fiddling with the blog design one day… But I quite like the new header images, so… *shrug*

Party with the Stars

Party with the Stars: E. L. Aldryc

Have you ever wondered what might happen if you could throw a party of your choice and not only could you invite your MC(s) but other literary figures as well? In this feature I ask you to imagine exactly that scenario and some more. Meet E. L. Aldryc and her guests and let’s get the party started!