Keeping with traditions, we will post our separate top 10 reads of 2023 lists throughout January. This year we’ll have 3 for you. Third and last up is Jen’s Top 10 Reads of 2023!
Stormblood by Jeremy Szal
Arina and Jen review Stormblood, the first book in Jeremy Szal’s The Common sci-fi series.
The King Must Fall by Grimdark Magazine
Timy reviews The King Must Fall anthology published by Grimdark Magazine, featuring stories by 19 authors.
Paul’s Top 10 Reads of 2022
Keeping with traditions, we will post our separate top 10 reads of 2022 lists throughout January. Well, it might be top 5 in some cases, but all 4 of us had books we’d like to shout about and that’s what’s important. Last but not least, it’s time for Paul’s favorite reads of 2022!
Monthly Wrap Up: July 2020
July, thankfully was a much calmer/quieter month, although this might be because I pretty much kept to myself. I had some ups and downs in my mood and had a lot of things to think about. And I was also busy with the blog, Storytellers on Tour and SPFBO. I promise I’ll stop fiddling with the blog design one day… But I quite like the new header images, so… *shrug*
What’s to come? – July 2020
With July summer heath came as well and I’m not a happy queen. Especially becaue I’m stuck inside and I still have 6 weeks to go until our vacation trip. Ugh. I’m already done with this season. On a more a positive note, we have a lot of books to read and some other content as well to keep ourselves and you entertained.