The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2024

The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2025

The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2025 is here! Can you believe this is the fifth year already?! For the oldtimers, welcome back! For the newcomers, I hope you’ll have a lot of fun this year trying to fill out these music-based reading prompts as I had a lot of fun (and pain, so much pain) coming up with them.

The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2021

I hardly take part in reading challenges in general, but as I was creating The Ultimate Tour Experience for Storytellers on Tour, I had way too much fun with coming up with prompts. So much so, that I kept thinking into the night about songs and bands that would make awesome prompts. The next day The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge came to life. Titled after an also great song by Shinedown. Now with a final update!

cropped TwitterLandscape

2 Years in the Asylum

The good thing about anniversaries is that they roll around every year. And thus, here we are, celebrating the 2nd birthday of my baby blog. Or is it toddler now? The second year wasn’t less eventful than the first one, even though 2019 was one of my worst years personally.
As last year, I’d like to take a look back at this past year and highlight some milestones and memories including a lot of pictures.

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: July 2019

July was a bit of a mixed month. I’ve started my freelancing for real – I had 3 assignments – , I tried to keep up with reviewing (I clearly failed at that), I squeezed in some SPFBO reading and overall managing some related stuff, I also had a bit of holiday, and all the while I somehow tried to find a balance between all of my work, responsibilities and relaxing and doing some crafting. In the end, what had to give was spending time on social media. Of course there were a few other reasons behind my absence than time issues (anxiety, and getting fed up are amongst these), but I’d rather not go into details. Anyway, I’m always available to chat and do look at my messages, but I don’t keep track of people’s posts/tweets as much and probably miss pretty much everything. If you need me, give a shout, I’m never too far away 🙂 

Sneak Peek

What’s to come? – June 2019

June won’t be any less exciting than May was, as things still keep happening. I finally started my new journey in life and I couldn’t be happier. SPFBO5 is about to kick off as well and I’ll be going to concerts too. 

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: November 2018

I’m actually happy November is behind us. It was an emotional roller coaster ride from start to finish. Fortunately both starting and ending on a good note – if I want to go with my roller coaster analogy, the cart arrived to the same spot from where it had taken off – so now I can fully concentrate on December and look forward to the coming Christmas. For the first time in many years I’m really excited about the holidays. But more about that in the Sneak Peek post in a few days. Let’s see what happened on my blog in November:

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: July 2018

July proved to be another busy month and I had a lot of #reviews and #interviews from Dyrk Ashton, David Hambling, Damien Black, Benedict Patrick, D.M. Murray and music for you. Find everything you missed in my #MonthlyWrapUp post!