Sneak Peek March

What’s to come? – March 2021

March is apparently the month of new beginnings. We are going to celebrate two anniversaries this month: Storytellers On Tour will turn 1 year old, and the blog will turn 3 years old. Man, time flies. There will be some celebratory stuff coming your way this month for sure!

But we’ll have a lot of other content as well: reviews, features, SPFBO stuff, author spotlights, book tour encores.

To Be Continued SPFBO Edition: Sanctuary of Arrows

Sanctuary of Arrows – Part 1 by Rachel Emma Shaw

Sanctuary of Arrows is the first story written in a collaboration of the SPFBO 6 Finalists. Part 1 was written by Rachel Emma Shaw, and we get introduced to our MC who finds themselves in a deadly competition. Will they get out alive? The journey starts now!

Monthly Wrap Up August

Monthly Wrap Up: August 2020

August went away pretty quickly. I had a 2 weeks long vacation, 1 of which I spent in the countryside which was a nice break. I also read 3 books that week which is not something that happens to me a lot these days. But since we came home my sleeping went to shit and I’m still trying to catch up to myself and not feel like a train went through me… Anyway, vacation did not mean I was being lazy.