My favorite month is over 🙁 Though, to be fair, I’m not really sad to sit it go, as this wasn’t the best of the months, and didn’t really have a happy birthday as I was supposed to do. Oh well, in retrospect, I’m slowly leaving behind the shitty days/weeks I had at the beginning of the year and I’m looking forward to the rest of the year. And let me tell you, I have some really awesome things coming up! But for the sake of this post, let’s take a look back for a bit, as I/we had a quite productive month – even if it started a bit slow:
Book Reviews
In case you missed any of my reviews in February you can read them by clicking on the title! 🙂 I still had a somewhat mixed month reading wise and I’m still 3 reviews behind, but I promise I’ll catch up to myself in March! Jen on the other hand had a pretty good reading month it seems.
Grim Solace by Ben Galley – 4/5

The second book of The Chasing Graves trilogy which I reviewed for Grimdark Magazine. Ben Galley releases this trilogy in a neck breaking pace, so not long after Chasing Graves we could had our hands in this one. And guess what? Book 3 will be released on March 14th!
“In Grim Solace Ben Galley turns up the grim-o-meter to eleven and is not afraid to soak the pages in blood and gore. It’s a good step up from Chasing Graves and sets a good foundation for the grand finale. Political intricacies, massacres, dead gods, and a pending doom waits for those who are brave enough to step on the soil of Araxes. Or a big pile of copper coins and title if they are smart and ruthless enough. What fate awaits you?”
Melokai by Rosalyn Kelly – 1/5 (DNF at 42%)

Well, this was one of those rare books which I had to DNF, because I just couldn’t go on. It’s a pity, but it sometimes happens.
“Language and pointless sex scenes aside, the other problem I found with this book is the writing. While the world building is interesting and has quite a potential – different cultures associated with different animals were one of them -, it kind of falls apart with the constant change of POVs, getting introduced new and new ones, sometimes not making much sense. “
Three Crows Magazine #2 by Alex Khlopenko – 3.75/5

We have another great SFF magazine which gives a chance equally to well known authors as well as debuting ones. Featuring short stories, articles, interviews. I would recommend to check it out!
“Three Crows Magazine had only started its journey, this only being the second issue, but I can already say it has a place in the market. It not only features critically acclaimed authors like Anna Smith Spark, but also gives a chance to upcoming, talented authors such as Gerard Mullen, Luke Frostickand T.A. Sola. All of their stories represent a different culture, giving us a glimpse into our beautiful, colorful world through the eyes of SFF.”
Where Oblivion Lives by T. Frohock – 5/5

T. Fohock’s newest release got many raving reviews in February, so Jen hopped on the reviewing wagon and told us what she made of it. Spoiler: she loved it!
“Some books just click and this was one of those times. It wasn’t even that there is much in the way of my bullet-proof likes either – Angels are not an auto buy for me, and historical fantasy is probably closer to an auto-skip. But there was something about this story that resonated (a little pun intended) and part way through I knew I was going to have to go back and read the rest of the series, as soon as my schedule allowed.“
Out of Nowhere by Patrick LeClerc – 3/5

One of SPFBO4’s finalists, Out of Nowhere got some mixed reviews so far. You can find both of my and Adam’s review on FBR’s page alongside with our official score.
“Overall, Out of Nowhere is an enjoyable urban fantasy, which brings nothing new to the genre, but has some interesting ideas and a potential to build on as the series continues.”
The Sword of Kaigen by M.L. Wang – 5/5

Asian inspired debut fantasy, which swept through the indie world in February. Jen, once again on the top of things wrote a glowing review 🙂
“Misaki’s journey is raw and painful but it’s also fulfilling and beautiful. As a mother, daughter and wife – her every fear, joy, and regret, resonated with me, and I applaud her characterisation. Without her this would have been a great book with some very cool fight scenes (I’m still in awe over the Matsuda brother’s Ice Dragon) and a good solid base for a later series. With her though – it became an outstanding piece of storytelling that needs to be experienced, and one that is going to stick with me for a long time. “
Your Favorite Band Cannot Save You by Scotto Moore – 3.5/5

Well, this was one short and weird read. But I had to have my hands on it, because music. You can’t get enough SFF books with the main plot being about music.
“Overall, Your Favorite Band Cannot Save You is a quick paced read, perfect for a road trip or just a quiet afternoon with a book. If you look for something different, it has a strange mix of music, humor, horror, sci-fi, maybe a tinge of Cthulhu mythos. If you liked We Sould Our Souls, you might like Your Favorite Band Cannot Save You as well.”
Author Spotlight
In February I went back to the SPFBO business, and started harass… umm, interviewing the finalists! Everything SPFBO related, you can find on my SPFBO 4 page!

Angie Grigaliunas (grig-ah-LOO-nahs) is a part-time normal person and full-time author of fantasy/dystopian young adult books. And also some romance. (“She admits it! Murderer!”) She loves Jesus, the woods, and the stars, and has always wanted to be a superhero with a secret identity.
She has completed four books: one about elves that needs a massive revision before it ever sees the light of day, one that is part of her current story but also needs a massive revision to fit a new storyline, and the actual first and second books (Sowing and Quelling) in her dystopian fantasy series (The Purification Era). When she’s not writing, she’s usually Facebooking – ack! – or thinking about story stuff. Or exercising. Or eating ice cream, because life is short and ice cream is delicious. Despite several of her writing friends claiming she’s Canadian, she is not; she lives in Ohio with her dear husband, their goofy dog, and their crazy cats.
Read my SPFBO interview with Angie!

In the lulls between runs on the ambulance –and sometimes the lulls between employment at various ambulance companies– he writes fiction.
Read my SPFBO interview with Patrick!

Megan Crewe lives in Toronto, Canada with her husband and son. She’s been making up stories about magic and spirits and other what ifs since before she knew how to write words on paper. These days the stories are just a lot longer. Her YA novels include the paranormal GIVE UP THE GHOST, post-apocalyptic the Fallen World series, the sci-fi Earth & Sky trilogy, the contemporary fantasy A MORTAL SONG, the supernatural thriller BEAST, and the urban fantasy Conspiracy of Magic series.
Read my SPFBO interview with Megan!
Other Posts
Let’s Talk About the Importance of Self Care
I’m really going to stop whining about what a shitty month January was after this, but it’s an important info to understand how I ended up having a little break down at the beginning of February. Which led me to a reflecting post. As my life went through some changes I came to some realisations, and I intended to address these things in due time. Then a bit out of the blue the break down came – I expected that first weekend of February to be hard for me emotionally, but I got through it pretty well, for a while – and at the spur of the moment I sat down in the middle of the night and started writing out everything that I felt at the moment. To be honest, I feel these things pretty often, but at that point all of them felt much worse than usual. Before I could change my mind I went and made that post public. I still don’t know if that was a smart idea on my part, and I fully expected to delete it in the morning. In the end I didn’t because 1) it got a suprisingly lot views, and a few people reached out to me with encouraging messages – thank you for your support! 2) Those were my honest feelings, and I probably should calm down and think things through before publishing it on impulse, but it’s not something I should feel ashamed of. Yes, I had a shit time, yes, I had a break down, and yes, I do struggle with things as well as the next person. Burying my head in the sand and hiding my issues won’t help anyone, least of myself. So I’m going to leave it where it is for others to know: you are not alone!
Music Musings
Music Monday
If you missed any of them, give them a listen and read my personal notes/thoughts/ramblings regarding them 🙂
- February 4th: Linkin Park: In the End
- February 11th: The Last Goodnight: Pictures of You
- February 18th: Simple Plan: Shut up!
- February 25th: Saint Asonia: Let Me Live My Life
That’s it from me now. Hope to see you all in March! As RockStarlit BookAsylum will celebrate it’s first anniversary, you really don’t want to miss it!
I have also been going through quite a difficult time… And had a little meltdown Jan/Feb… Feb has been a rough month! I think for a few of us, we’ve had some STUFF happen… But self-care is everything. That’s very much the conclusion I’ve come to, and it’s changed a few things for me too. Your reading month looks on point though!
Uh oh, 2019 had a rough start, but now I’m excited about a lot of things that’s coming up this year – concerts, travels, events. I’m in a much better place mentally too right now 🙂 I hope you are going to have a better time too!
Thank you! Definitely moving through the bad stuff, and getting to some juicy good stuff on the other side!
Good to hear that!