Music Monday is a meme that was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek. Bjørn and I will pick a song alternatively on each Monday and share our thoughts about them. Timy’s pick this week is Fur Cue by Seether.

Holy shit, it’s been ages since we had a Seether song featured in Music Monday and we need to rectify that. Seether is hands down one of my favorite bands, even though I haven’t really been into their last couple of albums (probably need to make more of an effort on that front), but they have quite a few songs I can never be bored of. Fur Cue is one those, from their Holding Onto Strings Better Left To Fray album, which is probably among my favorite from them.
My memory being shit, I honestly can’t tell whether they played Fur Cue in Budapest back in 2017, but thankfully for me, I have a signed setlist from that gig which tells me no. A shame, but they played some of my other favorites, so I really can’t complain – especially as I got some goodies and a picture with the band. Ah man, good memories. That year seriously was awesome.
Anyway, now I have an earworm and I hope you’ll have one too, because I love this song and it’s great, and this is cold Monday so why not get your blood raise up a bit?

It’s all too revealing
Your words are deceiving
I can’t let you get in my way
I sense all your actions are meant as distractions
You must know I won’t play your game
Fake, you’re more than I can take
And something’s gonna break
Get out of my head
No shame, you’re passing all the blame
And nothing’s gonna change
Get out of my head
You made me realize that it’s all a lie
And it comes as no surprise
Stay for a while
Stay ‘cause you make me smile
There’s no compromise
I’m sick of pretending
The thoughts are unending
I can’t let you get in my way (there’s no way home)
I’m no longer bending
My mind set is mending
And now I have something to say (deny me)
Fake, you’re more than I can take
And something’s gonna break
Get out of my head
No shame, you’re passing all the blame
And something’s gonna change
Get out of my head
You made me realize that it’s all a lie
And it comes as no surprise
Stay for a while
Stay ‘cause you make me smile
There’s no compromise
Fake, you’re more than I can take
And something’s gonna break
Get out of my head
Shame, you’re passing all the blame
And nothing’s gonna change
Get out of my head
You made me realize that it’s all a lie
And it comes as no surprise
Stay for a while
Stay ‘cause you make me smile
I see no compromise
Stay for a while
Stay ‘cause you make me smile
I see no compromise
Stay for a while
Stay ‘cause you make me smile
There’s no compromise
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