Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: September 2019

Summer is finally over and we are about to have a temperature drop and I’m sooooo ready for not boiling finally.

August went away in a blink of an eye and I’m both sad and happy about it. I had some great times, but I also got damned behind on EVERYTHING. September will be about trying to catch up to myself.

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: August 2019

Summer is finally over and we are about to have a temperature drop and I’m sooooo ready for not boiling finally.

August went away in a blink of an eye and I’m both sad and happy about it. I had some great times, but I also got damned behind on EVERYTHING. September will be about trying to catch up to myself.

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: July 2019

July was a bit of a mixed month. I’ve started my freelancing for real – I had 3 assignments – , I tried to keep up with reviewing (I clearly failed at that), I squeezed in some SPFBO reading and overall managing some related stuff, I also had a bit of holiday, and all the while I somehow tried to find a balance between all of my work, responsibilities and relaxing and doing some crafting. In the end, what had to give was spending time on social media. Of course there were a few other reasons behind my absence than time issues (anxiety, and getting fed up are amongst these), but I’d rather not go into details. Anyway, I’m always available to chat and do look at my messages, but I don’t keep track of people’s posts/tweets as much and probably miss pretty much everything. If you need me, give a shout, I’m never too far away 🙂 

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: June 2019

June was a pretty great month all things considered. I was supposed to take this month easier and have a break, but ended up not doing that. Until I was forced to realised that I indeed needed a break and the last few days of the month was all about relaxing and doing anything other than reading. It was nice. It was my first month being only half employed at my workplace and OMG I LOVE working only 4 hours. The first two weeks made wonders to my mental health and I’m so happy I made this decision. 

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: May 2019

May was an interesting whirlwind of a month. We had my cousin’s wedding, I made some life changing desicions, my blog got picked to be one of the judges for SPFBO5 and I  got my hands on a lot of awesome ARCs and books. And I finally got caught up with everything! 

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: April 2019

Whoa, April went by fast, I guess all of that stressing made time fly by or something, lol. It wasn’t a boring month that’s for sure, and I had a lot of supposed-to-be-relaxing time too. On the other hand I’ve got an awesome signed copy of Priest of Bones so I really can’t complain.

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: March 2019

Well, March had been a busy month both for blogging and the fantasy community. The first anniversary of RockStarlit BookAsylum came and went, presenting me with the all time highest stats for March. I’d like to thank everyone who take part in the celebration even if just with checking my posts out, or sharing and liking. I couldn’t have done it without you!

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: February 2019

My favorite month is over 🙁 Though, to be fair, I’m not really sad to sit it go, as this wasn’t the best of the months, and didn’t really have a happy birthday as I was supposed to do. Oh well, in retrospect, I’m slowly leaving behind the shitty days/weeks I had at the beginning of the year and I’m looking forward to the rest of the year. And let me tell you, I have some really awesome things coming up! But for the sake of this post, let’s take a look back for a bit, as I/we had a quite productive month – even if it started a bit slow.

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: January 2019

Since I’ve whined enough how much my personal life sucked in January, this time I’ll take mercy on you all. Reading wise it was a productive month, but a very mixed one. And since I’m very behind on reviews, not everything will be featured in this post.

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: December 2018

I’m actually happy November is behind us. It was an emotional roller coaster ride from start to finish. Fortunately both starting and ending on a good note – if I want to go with my roller coaster analogy, the cart arrived to the same spot from where it had taken off – so now I can fully concentrate on December and look forward to the coming Christmas. For the first time in many years I’m really excited about the holidays. But more about that in the Sneak Peek post in a few days. Let’s see what happened on my blog in November: