May was an interesting whirlwind of a month. We had my cousin’s wedding, I made some life changing desicions, my blog got picked to be one of the judges for SPFBO5 and I got my hands on a lot of awesome ARCs and books. And I finally got caught up with everything!
SPFBO Interview with Devin Madson
One of the goals of SPFBO is to give a chance to self-published authors to get more exposure. In the Finals I’m taking part in the competition as one of the judges in Fantasy Book Review’s team. As I did with our group’s authors, I decided to offer a spot to the Finalists too to be featured on my blog.
Monthly Wrap Up: March 2019
Well, March had been a busy month both for blogging and the fantasy community. The first anniversary of RockStarlit BookAsylum came and went, presenting me with the all time highest stats for March. I’d like to thank everyone who take part in the celebration even if just with checking my posts out, or sharing and liking. I couldn’t have done it without you!
The Questioning: Devin Madson
The Questioning is where everything gets upside down. As part of my blogiversary celebration, I invited 10 authors and 10 bloggers/reviewers who showed great support during my first year as a blogger. Then I pushed them waaaaay out of the comfort zones. Authors had become interrogators and Bloggers got interrogated. Rest assured, no one got hurt (much) and everyone had fun (eventually). You can find every related post on The Questioning page!
Grimdark Magazine #18 by Adrian Collins
The Eighteenth issue of Grimdark Magazine (GDM) features a nice selection of authors with stories or various articles. You can read a short stories from Peter McLean, Cameron Johnston and Andy Remic, an interview with Devin Madson and Cameron Jonhston, two book reviews about The Igenious by Darius Hinks, plus two articles from Alan Baxter about his experience with publishing, and Mike Myers giving some useful tips.
Advent Book Calendar – Day 9
This year I’m going to host an Advent Book Calendar event, where Jen and me are going to pick one book every day until December 24th. Books we’ve read this year, and tell you why you should pick it up. You can check our progress in the Advent Book Calendar 2018 introduction post, where you can “open” the windows every day and find out what we have for your reading pleasure!
Grimdark Magazine #17 by Adrian Collins
The Seventeenth issue of Grimdark Magazine (GDM) features a nice selection of authors with stories or various articles. It features short stories from Devin Madson, Amanda J. Spedding and Brian Staveley, two interviews with Sebastian de Castell and Jen Williams, two book reviews about City of Kings by Rob J. Hayes and Chasing Graves by Ben Galley, plus an article from Anna Stephens which makes this magazine a complete and highly enjoyable brief read. Don’t be surprised when you find yourself adding a few more books to your to-be-read mountain. Oops.
Monthly Wrap Up: August 2018
With August gone, summer is practically over. September kicked the doors in with a lot of rain over here anyway. August was all kinds of awesome as blogging goes. My stats hit a new high with over 1.100 views. I’ve got to knew a lot of new people and overall I keep going strong. Hopefully it stays that way. August also brought a brand new design, a new logo and feature images. I also launched a facebook group besides my page where I hope I can interact with you guys more!