Welcome to the month in which we’ll keep screwing up the dates because it takes time to get used to the idea it’s another year already. I have quite ambitious plans for 2020, but we’ll talk about that later in a big post. For now, let’s focus on January and what it’ll bring (much less reviews than I’d like, but such is life).
Book titles are linked to their Goodreads pages!
Book(s) I plan to read in January
Of course I read none of the books in December I was planning to, and January has different challenges for me.
- The Sisters Grimm by Menna van Praag
- The Sword of Kaigen by M.L. Wang
- Spark City by Robert J. Power
Book(s) we plan to review in January in addition to the others above
Note: we won’t post SPFBO reviews until all 4 of us read a book.
- Cursebreaker by Carol A. Park
We stepped into the second month of the Final phase. December was all about catching up with other things and getting some rest, but it’s time we got down to business. We are already into reading the finalists and hopefully we’ll post our first review this month.
You can always check out my SPFBO 5 Finals page! It doesn’t have much information on it yet, but that’s where I’ll keep updating our process and where you can find everything relevant to the competition. Of course the SPFBO 5 Phase 1 page is still up and running, so you can always find out what happened in the first 5 months of the competition!
Tales from the Asylum
I have 2 tales left from people who wanted to take part in this, so I’ll have them up, then take a little break to be back with the SPFBO Finalists’ tales in February!
Other bookish plans
We are a bit on the low side of reviews this month due to the fact that we are focusing on SPFBO and can’t review everything right away, so in January we’ll have a lot of other kind of posts. In December I spent a week on making a list of all the English books I own. I’m planning to write up a post about them with diagrams! Should be interesting. I will also try to write up a conversational post about… something. I’ve no idea what yet, but hey, that’s part of the fun. If someone wants to write a guest post though, please give me a shout!
Cover Reveal
I won’t tell more about this, but let’s just say, I have an awesome cover to show you soon!
The Questioning
After a break, I’m bringing back The Questioning! I have 1 pair of Blogger – Author edition for January and February and March or April (depending how things go in March). I already received one set of questions and I can tell it’ll be a fun experience. I will update a bit the questions for the Blogger Edition to refresh things.
I’m taking a break in January to focus on SPFBO and a few ARCs I have, but I still have spots left for the rest of the year. If you happen to need a second pair of eyes for beta reading, proofreading or a bit of developmental editing, please check out my Editorial Services and contact me so I could find out how to help you to make your manuscript as good as it can get!
Other Plans
A Week in My Head
Partly because I want to reach 500 posts by March (yes, I’m very specific there) and I needed a new weekly feature for that, and partly because this year I’m planning to take better care of my mental health, I’ll be writing weekly – duh – posts about how I was doing that past week. About things that bothered me, things I’ve learned, things that affected me in any way. They most likely will be ramblings and not overly interesting, but I look at it more likely than a weekly online journal. I have a yearly and monthly mood tracker in my new bullet journal – I’ll show it off in one of those posts! – so hopefully that’ll help to improve things for myself. I also plan to go to therapy so that also will give stuff to think on. I’m hoping that doing all this will actually help me to motivate myself and to actually get my ass in gear. I know it has nothing to do with book blogging, but RockStarlit Asylum was always meant to be a place for different things – music primarily, but I’ve been failing at that… Anyway, this is an Asylum, so what better place do I need to talk about my mental struggles?
Introducing Budapest
Well, yes, we are so low on reviews that I’m being forced to actually finish that Introducing Budapest post I was writing back in October… Also, one of the Twitter polls I hosted, showed that you guys are interested in those, so I’m trying to do my best to bring more in the future. Anyway, this month I’ll show you off Kossuth square and all the important buildings there.
After a looooong time – it was too long, really – I finally will go to a concert this month! My favourite Hungarian band, Fish! will kick of the new year on the 18th and holy hell, I’m looking forward to it so much!
Well, I think that’s it. Follow me if you like either on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram (I don’t have much content on that platform yet)!
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